Thursday, August 27, 2020

Free Essays on The Character Of “Mama“ In Alice Walkers “Everyday Use“

The character of Mama in the short story â€Å"Everyday Use† by Alice Walker, is a survivalist. She sees and recounts how things are, no fabulousness or excitement, simply the hard plain truth about herself and her family enduring. This is practically the existence that she has driven. Self-portrayed as â€Å"†¦a enormous, huge boned, lady with unpleasant, man-working hands.† Mama shows a simple, hit you in the face, truth about herself and her little girls. Growing up poor, Mama needed to endeavor to raise her family. There is notice of the girls’ daddy, yet the story doesn't expand on him. I can't be sure of the move in which he played in the raising of the family. She depicted how she could slaughter and clean a hoard as brutally as a man could, worked outside in the unpleasant cold, breaking ice for water for washing, and even proceeded to clarify how she murdered a bull calf with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung before sunset. Not a great deal of men, considerably less ladies, would have the option to perform such an errand. Being dark in the early and mid 1900’s, Mama grew up with a sense for endurance. She never looked a bizarre white man in the eye nor did she ever speak straightforwardly to them. Continually taking the cautious stance for flight. She appeared to stay away from any contention of any kind, for the most part in light of the fact that the dark would be viewed as being off base. This non-confrontational tendency remains constant when Dee shows up and declares that her name is no longer Dee, however Wangero. Mother sets up little quarrel over a family name that has been gone through the ages. She stayed away from struggle. Mom appreciates the shortsighted things throughout everyday life. Early and toward the finish of the story, she depicts how simply sitting in the front yard, despite the fact that hers is mud and sand, can spend the day away as if she was in her lounge room. All through the whole story, Mama basically acts like a radical. Never needing to begin any difficulty or put her foot down about anything. Dee (Wangero) returned home and began ... Free Essays on The Character Of â€Å"Mamaâ€Å" In Alice Walker's â€Å"Everyday Useâ€Å" Free Essays on The Character Of â€Å"Mamaâ€Å" In Alice Walker's â€Å"Everyday Useâ€Å" The character of Mama in the short story â€Å"Everyday Use† by Alice Walker, is a survivalist. She sees and recounts how things are, no marvelousness or excitement, simply the hard plain truth about herself and her family enduring. This is essentially the existence that she has driven. Self-depicted as â€Å"†¦a huge, huge boned, lady with unpleasant, man-working hands.† Mama shows a simple, hit you in the face, truth about herself and her little girls. Growing up poor, Mama needed to endeavor to raise her family. There is notice of the girls’ daddy, however the story doesn't expound on him. I can't be sure of the move in which he played in the raising of the family. She depicted how she could slaughter and clean a hoard as pitilessly as a man could, worked outside in the harsh cold, breaking ice for water for washing, and even proceeded to clarify how she executed a bull calf with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung before sunset. Not a ton of men, considerably less ladies, would have the option to perform such an assignment. Being dark in the early and mid 1900’s, Mama grew up with a sense for endurance. She never looked a bizarre white man in the eye nor did she ever speak candidly to them. Continually taking the guarded stance for flight. She appeared to keep away from any contention of any kind, generally on the grounds that the dark would be viewed as being off base. This non-confrontational tendency remains constant when Dee shows up and reports that her name is no longer Dee, however Wangero. Mother sets up little quarrel over a family name that has been gone through the ages. She maintained a strategic distance from strife. Mom appreciates the shortsighted things throughout everyday life. Early and toward the finish of the story, she depicts how simply sitting in the front yard, in spite of the fact that hers is dirt and sand, can spend the day away as if she was in her family room. All through the whole story, Mama basically acts like a radical. Never needing to begin any difficulty or put her foot down about anything. Dee (Wangero) returned home and began ...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mergers and Acquisitions In and Out of Emerging Economies

Question: Portray about the Mergers and Acquisitions In and Out of Emerging Economies. Answer: Mediation and case 1. The contrast among intervention and prosecution are as per the following: In mediation, the gatherings look to determine the question through a third individual whom they themselves decide for settling the contest. This third individual is known as an authority and he chooses the case in the wake of hearing both the gatherings. Subsequently discretion is a private method of settling contest between the gatherings. If there should arise an occurrence of case, the question between the gatherings is settled by an open court. A fair adjudicator sits in the Courtroom who chooses the case in the wake of hearing both the gatherings. Accordingly, prosecution includes settlement of a debate through an open discussion. The means which are absent in assertion yet are available in suit are as per the following: The gatherings have nothing to do with the determination of judge in a suit procedure. In case, total honesty of the pertinent clear are required. iii. In case, parties for the most part reserve an option to claim. 2. In the event that the gatherings to mediation rather went to court, at that point the means which the gatherings would need to take are as per the following: Recruit a lawyer: The gatherings need to employ their own lawyers who might deal with the whole case. Documenting of the case: The lawyer of the offended party would break all the data into lawful composition and after that a case would be recorded. The appropriate response: Once the case is documented by the offended party, the other party for example the respondent would give an answer to the first recording of the case. Interrogatories: A rundown of inquiries would then be set up by the lawyer. Answer to the interrogatories: the gatherings would then be required to offer responses to all the inquiries. Protests and Discoveries: Objections are brought up against the issues while disclosure identifies with the assessment of reports. Intervention requested by Court: A request would be given by the Court to settle the issue through intercession. On the off chance that the issue couldn't be settled by first or second endeavors of intercession, at that point a preliminary would occur (Feutrill, 2013).3. It is obvious that there are sure recurrent players or certain businesses who more than once utilize the discussion of private gathering of discretion to win their cases. Insights show that the recurrent players nearly win all the debates which are raised before a mediation discussion. The shopper or a worker has an extremely less possibility of getting a good choice while conflicting with the recurrent players. Consequently, the intervention gathering which is viewed as a decent option in contrast to a costly case process has end up being a mistake to the shoppers or the workers. There is irrefutably a biasness characteristic in the arrangement of discretion and it is the need of great importance to expel these biasness from the mediation procedure; in any case individuals would lose confidence in this procedure itself. One ma nner by which the issue identified with these recurrent players might be defeated is to get the procedure altogether investigated by the Courts and ensure that equity isn't sold yet earned (Lo, 2012). Merger and obtaining Merger or obtaining is the procedure through which an association tries to extend and develop its business. The elements which are considered during the time spent merger and acquisitions are as per the following: The organization culture should be thought of. Various associations have diverse working society. It must be seen whether the merger or procurement would be good with the working society of the association. Due determination must be seen by an association before going into a procedure of merger or procurement. It must be seen whether the objective organization would fit in the hierarchical technique of the procuring organization. If there should be an occurrence of cross outskirt mergers or acquisitions the legitimate, political, practical and social factors likewise ned to evaluated cautiously to ensure that the mergers or acquisitions occurring would be gainful to the organizations and would assist them with growing and extend their business (Lebedev et al., 2015). Banks, E-Money, and Financial Reform Very few individuals around us use money. The purposes for the world going cashless may fluctuate. Some of them don't feel made sure about the manner in which money is conveyed, as the dread of robbery is related with money. Be that as it may, there are related installments of charges if the choice of the world has chosen to go cashless. Along these lines, individuals feel more made sure about in utilizing check cards, charge cards and electronic exchange as opposed to utilizing money for exchanges. Choices, for example, Virtual Wallet, Apple or Google Pay are preferable options over money as these are free applications that permit us to keep cash spare and secure without the impedance of any outsider (Ngu et al., 2015). Bitcoin is a sort of system that permits another installment framework making exchanges computerized. This decentralized installment organize permits the position to consider installment of cash through web. References: Feutrill, M. (2013). Mediation v suit. Brief, 40(10), 16. Lebedev, S., Peng, M. W., Xie, E., Stevens, C. E. (2015). Mergers and acquisitions all through rising economies. Diary of World Business, 50(4), 651-662. Lo, A. (2012). A lot of Privacy for Repeat Players? The Problem of Confidentiality Clauses and a Possible Solution. The Problem of Confidentiality Clauses and a Possible Solution (May 31, 2012). Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, 5(1), 149-63. Ngu, M., Scott, C. (2015, April). How secure are contactless installment frameworks. In RSA Conference, San Francisco, USA.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive MBA News Chicago Booth Tops The Economists MBA Ranking for the Fifth Year in a Row

Blog Archive MBA News Chicago Booth Tops The Economist’s MBA Ranking for the Fifth Year in a Row The Economist released its 2016 ranking of full-time MBA programs recently, with some notable movement in the top ten despite an unchanged number one. The University of Chicago Booth School of Business reigned supreme for the sixth time in seven years, while the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University rose to the second spot from last year’s seventh place. The University of Virginia Darden School of Business fell one spot, from last year’s second place to this year’s third. Harvard Business School maintained its fourth place, and the Stanford Graduate School of Business was ranked fifth after standing at 13th last year. Business schools outside the United States were represented in the top ten as well, as IESE Business School, HEC Paris, and the University of Queensland Business School came in at eighth, ninth, and tenth, respectively. INSEAD was ranked eighth in 2015 but fell out of the top ten this year, as did such schools as the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Whether Chicago Booth will maintain its top position in years to come remains to be seen… Share ThisTweet News Northwestern University (Kellogg) University of Chicago (Booth) University of Virginia (Darden)

Monday, May 25, 2020

Why Police Interrogation During Criminal Investigation...

How to Handle and Survive Police Interrogation Police interrogation is an investigative method used to extract information or confession by a police officer from a suspect or a guilty party. The goal of interrogation includes identifying and eliminating the guilty parties and obtaining facts on a particular crime. During this process, an person needs to protects and know his rights to allow the police officer to uphold the best practice. The following are reasons that outline why police undertake interrogation during criminal investigation process: Objective of police interrogation 1. Extracting confession-This is a difficult task to carry out since people who are guilty always never admit their fault. Crime confession is possible when a guilty person needs shorter sentence or desire to get off the problem from their life. Extracting confession works very well when a crime investigator possesses prior knowledge about crime. This is the core of interrogation which is incomparable with interview. 2. Identifying guilty parties-Identifying a guilty party while investigating a crime is a difficult venture in comparison with obtaining general information and eliminating an innocent party. This goal works well in a situation where many parties are suspects in a crime. It enables to find out other crime accomplices during interrogation; apart from main crime perpetrator. This allows the crime investigator to find the guilty party. 3. Eliminating innocentShow MoreRelatedThe Use Of Brutality And Persuasion1626 Words   |  7 Pagesinterviews by Police. In this case analysis it will discuss the purpose of interrogatory deception when conducting interviews, ways in which it is used, some of the current debates over the practice, and examples of theories to explain corruption and brutality. 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This will include different analysis from studies carried out by criminal psychologist in order to understand why certain people are prone to falsely confessing to crimes. There are different characteristics to understanding why people confess falsely confess to crimes such as; individual differences, personal and situational factors, and Ethnicity. This essay also aims to identify what leads certain individuals to confess to crimesRead MoreThere are several reasons to why people falsely confess to crimes. This will include different1500 Words   |  6 PagesThere are several reasons to why people falsely confess to crimes. This will include different analysis from studies carried out by criminal psychologist in order to understand why certain people are prone to falsely confessing to crimes. There are different characteristics to understanding why people confess falsely confess to crimes such as; individual differences, personal and situational factors, and Ethnicity. 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Arizona, a case taken all the way to the Supreme Court in 1966, it was decided that constitution al rights must be made clear to the defendant at time of arrest in order for any information received during interrogations to be used as evidence in court and to ensure the rights of the accused are protected throughout the entire process throughout the legalRead MoreThe Fifth Amendment And The United States Constitution Essay1163 Words   |  5 Pagesbe subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.† The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the stateRead MoreThe Crime Control Model1564 Words   |  7 Pages The crime control model and the due process model are two different, yet similar models that was identified by Herbert Pecker and that are used in the criminal justice process. However, how important are these models in the criminal justice process? And is it necessary for us to have both of these models which to an extent performs similar outcomes. To answer these questions this essay will explaining the meaning of these two models, in addition, it will be looking at the differences that thereRead MoreThe Case Of Miranda V. Arizona1695 Words   |  7 Pagescenturies, individuals that were apprehended by the police did not know that they had rights when being arrested. Past cases like Miranda v. Arizona helped shaped policies on the debates on basic human rights when being arrested. A polic e officer must have substantial reason to arrest you and read you your Miranda Rights. Specific actions, like traffic stops or a law enforcement official marching up to you and inquiring you questions are not defined as police custody. If you feel as though something youRead MoreFour Basic Components of the Fifth Amendment1382 Words   |  5 PagesAmendment include: double jeopardy, due process, the right to be heard by a jury and safeguards against self-incrimination. Double jeopardy is when the individual can only be tried for a crime once. In the event that they are acquitted and new information surfaces, they cannot be retried again for the same crime. Instead, new charges would have to be filed showing the individual violated another area of the law. (Sundahl, 2011) Due process is when all criminal suspects are guaranteed that they willRead MoreQuestions On The Law And Criminal Justice System1743 Words   |  7 Pages(What, 2015). Today these Miranda Rights are common knowledge, a staple in our Criminal Justice system that binds the rules and regulations together. From the arrest to either a conviction or acquittal, the Miranda Rights have been involved in all of it, but they affect whether or not one thing can happen; an interrogation. According to the dictionary an interrogation is â€Å"the action of asking questions or the process of being interrogated.† If the tactics are used properly and ethically, then a confession

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Herbal Medicine Efficacy - 961 Words

Discussion Herbal medicines are prescribed widely because of its efficacy, fewer adverse effects and relatively low cost. The antidiabetic potential of numerous medicinal plants has been reported, the efficacy might be due to presence of various bioactive phytoconstituents includes, alkaloids, amino acids, carbohydrates, guanidine, glycopeptides, galactomannan gum, glycosides, hypoglycans, inorganic ions, peptidoglycan, polysaccharides, steroids and terpenoids because these active principles are capable of altering various metabolic cascades associated with diabetes, which results directly or indirectly attenuates blood glucose levels (Pranav et al., 2008). The present acute oral toxicity studies revealed the non-toxic nature of the HAEAD. It has been observed that HAEAD at high dose (2000 mg/kg, p.o) could not show any signs of toxicity, and all the animals were survived till the end of the study. According to the OECD 423 guideline (Acute Oral Toxicity: Acute Toxic Classic Method), LD50≠¥ 2000 mg/kg is considered as unclassified and found to be safe. The results of OGTT revealed, HAEAD treated dextrose loaded normal rats showed reduction in AUC glucose (0 -150 min) which might be due to activation of pancreatic insulin release. The low doses of alloxan induced diabetes through destroying pancreatic ÃŽ ²-cells partially, surviving and regeneration of beta cells is possible (Kalia et al., 2008). The hyperglycaemia in diabetes is primarily due to excessive glycogenolysis,Show MoreRelatedStudy Of Botanical / Herbal Medication1076 Words   |  5 PagesMaritza Molina Dr. Combrink CHEM 1370-101 24 March 2017 The Study of Botanical/ Herbal Medication in Natural Medications Over the centuries natural medications have become the origin of all medications like our well known ethical drugs and botanical and herbal medications. Throughout this paper among many supplements botanical/herbal medications carry along varies treatments alongside issues. Botanical/herbal medications most of which can be found from plants and other essentials as well. TheseRead MoreTraditional Herbal Remedies : Culture And Society Of Russia1315 Words   |  6 Pages HERBALISM IN RUSSIA Heather Riley RUSC 101: Culture and Society of Russia 4 October 2015 Thesis: Efficacy of traditional herbal remedies combined with a cultural faith in those traditions, combats modern medicine s inherent distrust of traditional healing. Change is when existing practices are heavily integrated. This is a reflection of belief in the practices a population is to using, and the faith in the herbalists as well as their remedies. This faith is grown through knowledge aboutRead MoreHerbal Medicine1235 Words   |  5 PagesChinese History(herbal) The first traditionally recognized herbalist is Shà ©nnà ³ng (, lit. Divine Farmer), a mythical god-like figure, who is said to have lived around 2800  BC.[2] He allegedly tasted hundreds of herbs and imparted his knowledge of medicinal and poisonous plants to farmers. His Shà ©nnà ³ng BÄ›n CÇŽo JÄ «ng, Shennongs Materia Medica) is considered as the oldest book on Chinese herbal medicine. It classifies 365 species of roots, grass, woods, furs, animals and stones into three categoriesRead MoreCHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION 6.1 Conclusions In summary, this study found that CHM group had better1200 Words   |  5 Pagesrational use of CHM. 6.2 Recommendations Safety and efficacy are the major concerns of the patients and healthcare providers. Therefore, more research, either in vivo or in vitro, should be carried out in the future, specifically on the efficacy of CHM; a complex mixture of chemical compounds in the various herbs should be assessed. However, modern medicine and TCM represent totally different philosophies towards health treatment. Modern medicine has methodologically looked at the structure and functionRead MoreTraditional Chinese Medicine ( Tcm )1443 Words   |  6 PagesTraditional Chinese medicine (TCM), known to the Chinese as ä ¸ ­Ã¥Å' » (zhÃ… ngyÄ «), is directly translated into English as â€Å"medicine of China† or â€Å"medicine of the middle kingdom.† It is a style of medicine that originated in China as has been used for thousands of years in the origin country as well as its neighboring states (Sun, 2013). To clarify, TCM is not just one herb or treatment, but encompasses a whole range of techn iques. Within these techniques include acupuncture, a form of martial art called tà  ijà ­Read MoreComplementary And Alternative Medicine ( Cam )1114 Words   |  5 PagesAlternative Medicine (CAM) has moved from a fringe movement to highly popular and widely used therapies in Western society that are being integrated into conventional treatment (Cherry Jacob, 2011). Although various forms of CAM have been reported for centuries, its use is increasing in the United States. CAM is defined by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), National Institutes of Health, as health care with use or origins outside of mainstream medicine (KramlichRead MoreBlack Cohosh Superb Or Sinful1651 Words   |  7 Pagestincture form where its dosage that can be taken is 2 ml twice a day. Therefore, is not appropriate to conclude that this herbal medicine is 100 percent effective but definitely it does has short term effective. Talking about its efficacy, menopausal symptoms appears effective but RCTs are lacking and Black cohosh costs upto $16 to $23 dollars per month and its safe herbal medicine to use overall . Furthermore, Black cohosh caused some abnormal postmenopausal tests in two cases studied. Hormonol changingRead MoreThe Common Health Tradition Of Different Cultures Based On Cultural Heritage1162 Words   |  5 Pages(Nigerian). â€Å"Traditional medicine has a broad range of characteristics and elements of which herbal medicine is an integral part. They are diverse health practicess, approaches, applied knowledge and beliefs that incorporate plant, animal and or mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises which are applied singularly or in combination to maintain well-being, as well as treat, diagnose or prevent illness† (Oreagba, 2011). Traditional medicine was practiced by all threeRead MoreHerbal Medicinal Products946 Words   |  4 Pagesworld’s population uses herbal medicinal products (HMP’s) [1]. As increasing number of consumers are persuaded by the benefits of plant extracts as an alternative to chemically derived active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), HMP’s have to meet comparable standards concerning the assessment of efficacy, safety and bio pharmaceutical quality as chemically defined synthetic drugs. The pharmaceutical quality of HMP’s is not well documented due to complex composition of herbal drug preparations, extensiveRead MoreHerbal Medicine : Medicine And Medicine1699 Words   |  7 Pagesdocument are acupuncture, hydrotherapy and herbal medicine. These therapies are either being used alongside prescribed medication. These therapies are becoming more popular because of the results people are getting but are the results reliable and trusted. This review will look into the different literature studying the different therapies to try to come to a conclusion on whether these therapies are to be used in practice or to be left to the human side of medicine. This review will also look into how

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Contemporar Color Research and Application

Question: Discuss about the Contemporar Color Research and Application. Answer: Introduction Hue is one of the main features of coloring properties. It is also known as the parameter for the appearances of color. It is a degree in which a parameter can be described and understood from the different colors like red, blue, green or yellow. The given four colors can be stated as the core colors but we can get different hues of shades from theses colors. Hue and color forecasting Colour forecasting is one of the remarkable forces for the driving of the fashion in any textile industry. In the fashion industry, colors and hues play an important role as all the textiles and their designs are based on these elements of color (Kim, 2011). The technique of color forecasting is a remarkable product of the twentieth century. Harold Linton, chairman of the Art and Visual technology of GMU was the first person to contribute towards the working of this technique in the market or in the improvement of the hue factors in the world. He even wrote a book in 1994 on Colour Forecasting (Bleicher, 2012). Hue and Colour Notation There is a theory in the abrupt working of hue and its notations. The name of the theory is the Munsell color theory (Jakobson, Pearson and Robertson, 2008). This theory is based on a model which is three-dimensional. Here each color contains three attributes of hue namely- Hue- it is the color itself Value- it determines whether the color is light or dark. Chroma- it is the brilliance or saturation of the color. These three together form the HVC (hue, value, and chroma). The theory of the Munsell color theory can be set up in a numerical scale like structure to get the different hues of a single color shade. In a color notation system, each color has a different relation with each other on the basis of the shades. This relation can be logically and visually noticed (Miele, 2004). Colour Theories and Applications in the Middle Ages or Renaissance We all know that color is the significant clue for many important behavioral tasks in case of art and architecture. In the case of any picture or any architecture, the color to be used and the tone to be used differ drastically. The color and the hue play an important role in the maintenance of a better combination in terms of art and architecture (Ignatov, 2012). In the middle age on the period of the renaissance, the color combination in the fields of art and architecture was very profound and bold. Different colors and hues were used in case of painting the canvas or the walls. The churches and other buildings had glasses which were colored or the picture was formed by the combination of many colors. Things were not only based on the colors, many different hues or shades of the same color were used to bring about the bold effect of the art and architecture which they wanted to portrait in that thing. Stories of Jesus and the incidents related to Jesus and his life were the portraits in the form of paintings and architectural aura. This kind of colorful paintings was mostly noticed in the European countries. Italy was one of the places of Europe where art and architecture were and still is one of the most remarkable in the whole wide world. Short Bible stories or incidents from the life history of Jesus Christ and Mother Mary are seen in this style of art on the walls of European countries. Later in many parts of the Earth, this art form was accepted and successfully utilized (Ignatov, 2012). The above-given painting states the picture of the The Wedding at Cana. This painting was done by Paolo Veronese in the year 1563. In the picture a wedding scenario is portrait. The wedding scenario is depicted with all the elements in just the perfect position as to where they should be. This is a complete picture of a wedding of those times. The use of colors and strokes are so minute a vibrant that it is hardly distinguished whether it is a photograph or a painting. The quality of color and the way it has been used to give importance to minute detail is highly appreciated. References Bleicher, S. (2012).Contemporary color. 1st ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning. Ignatov, I. (2012). The Validity of Russian Exceptionalism: Assessing Theories of Power and Lordship in the High Middle Ages.Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 43(1), pp.1-28. Jakobson, L., Pearson, P. and Robertson, B. (2008). Hue-specific colour memory impairment in an individual with intact colour perception and colour naming.Neuropsychologia, 46(1), pp.22-36. Kim, Y. (2011). Can eyes smell? cross-modal correspondences between color hue-tone and fragrance family.Color Research Application, 38(2), pp.139-156. Miele, M. (2004). Colour Concepts and the Munsell System.Color Research Application, 29(3), pp.247-248.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Aristotle vs Plato Comparative Essay Essay Example

Aristotle vs Plato Comparative Essay Essay Example Aristotle vs Plato Comparative Essay Essay Aristotle vs Plato Comparative Essay Essay Aristotle vs. Plato I believe Aristotle and Plato are both great thinkers. Aristotle and Plato both give good evidence to what they believe. There are some things that Plato says that I may or may not agree on, and same goes with Aristotle. In this essay I am going to prove why Aristotle and Plato both have an influence upon my thinking. In order for me to prove that I must understand Plato’s thinking, and Aristotle’s thinking. I am going to analyze their different philosophical perspectives such as their theory of forms, and human nature. Aristotle has a greater influence upon my thinking in the long run, but I want to be sure that I understand them both. Plato believes the body is like a cage for the soul. The real person is not the body; it’s the soul that is held within in the body. I agree with Plato, because after death our bodies decay and we no longer have a body, but are soul still exists. Aristotle on the other hand believes a man is like an animal. Not just any animal it must be a certain kind. He believes the soul is a form. When I read what Aristotle believed about human nature it really had me thinking. I want to say I agree with Aristotle but then again it’s a little confusing. I want to say I agree, because people say that we were animals before we became humans, but I myself still don’t know the truth. If I knew for sure that we were animals before we became humans then I would most definitely agree with Aristotle. Plato’s reasoning behind human nature is much better understood to me. Metaphysics is the study of being as being (reality). Epistemology is the study of knowing (justice). Plato believes there is another world and the world is the world of forms. He breaks down metaphysics and epistemology to bring this world to an understanding. The world of forms is permanent and unchanging. The world of forms is what we know (our knowledge) which came to conclusion by reasoning. Even though we may not be able to see or touch these forms does not make them unreal. We do not live in the world of forms; we live in the world of experience. The world of experience is impermanent and changeable. The world of experience is our opinions, what we sense, believe, but in our world it’s all real, but in reality it is actually real. I believe the world of forms is a world we all wish to live n, but it’s unreal. The world of forms is like a dream. Aristotle breaks down the world into categories which is better understood than Plato view of the world. Aristotle breaks it down into ten categories (substance, quantity, quality, relationship, place, time, posture, state, action, and undergoing something). A substance exists within itself. The other nine categories are known as Accidents. You have to have a substance for anything else to exist. Without a substance there are no accidents. Without matter there is no form. When it comes to form you must have matter Aristotle believes. I agree with him on that. Plato never mentioned matter; he always believed you just had a form. An easy way to show why I disagree with Plato is, the body is the form and the soul is the matter. He never identifies the body and soul as matter and form. He puts them together as one whole form, but he kind of digs a hole for himself by saying that, because he believes himself, the soul and body are not connected. Although the soul is inside the body, the body is just protection for the soul. Form is defined as a substance, but with a substance you must have matter that is why I believe/understand Aristotle views of the world. According to Aristotle only concrete things are matter such as a soul, a person, an animal, etc. Aristotle’s view on form is much more detailed and makes more sense to me. Something’s Plato mentions just does not seem like actual reality to me. Aristotle and Plato brought together equals a well defined/understood philosophical world. In conclusion I now have a better understanding of Aristotle and Plato’s thinking. I personally believe that Aristotle came to his conclusion with the start of Plato’s idea. Plato makes a lot of good points, but something’s he believes is not complete or may not be true. I believe Aristotle is more philosophically inclined than Plato. He gets rid of the ideas that are irrelevant. I see him as someone who believes the world is satisfying just the way it is. They both had visions of ways to improve the society through forms, matter, reality, human nature or whatever it may be. Both these men were extremely great thinkers. All their thoughts, and opinions were different, but they had the same concerns. We still to this day, in this future use both Aristotle and Plato’s philosophical way of thinking and I believe that was their whole purpose.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Recruitment and Training of Corrections Officers Research Paper

Recruitment and Training of Corrections Officers - Research Paper Example Correction Officer Recruitment has also recently taken a focus on minority and women, matching the national trend, and creating committee’s in order to better facilitate this. Correctional work has certain job requirements listed within the application procedure but if you are able to complete correctional officer training and the physical skills successfully then you will surely be able to perform the duties of the job. Correctional Officer’s make up the largest part of the Department of Justice’s work force. There are several initial qualifications you must meet to begin the correctional officer application process. With the oldest starting age allowed for a correctional officer in the federal sector being thirty seven and Public Law 101-509 requiring an officer to retire at age 57 (BOP, Employment) there is ample time for this to be a great career after retirement from another government field such as the military. You can actually begin your lengthy applicati on process when you are six months away from getting out of the military were that to be your circumstance though your military time will not count in your retirement from corrections as federal time. A Bachelor’s degree or at least three years general experience operating in a position which provides guidance, instruction, counseling, supervising, teaching or selling is required if you are applying in a federal position. You need to be able to supervise others obviously, communicate verbally and react quickly in a crisis (BOP, Career Opportunities), There is also a lower or more beginning level at which you may apply for a federal position which decreases the amount of experience you need to one year and education requirement to 14 credit hours in a position related to corrections or law in some way. Either of these requirements are easy for most individuals to meet due to job experience being as it is, this is designed so that younger men and women also have the opportunity to begin a career in corrections who may not have years of job experience or may be fresh college graduate with no experience. These statutory requirements were created after legislative acts designed to improve the quality of correctional officer skills and abilities. Criticism states that these requirements are ‘a poor device in upgrading such personnel,’ meaning correctional officers, ‘and may undermine the process.’(Perlman). The State of Georgia requires only US citizenship, the age of at least 18, no felony convictions and a diploma or GED. They also have physical requirements, similar to federal corrections; the ability to see colors, adequate physical condition, vision of at least 20/40, and hearing loss of no more than 24 decibels (Georgia Department of Corrections). They will then be required to complete a four week basic training, be subject to extensive criminal and background checks, drugs screening, medical exam, a review of their driving his tory and any other requirements that the facility may need from you, (name change proofs, letters explaining misdemeanors in the past, etc). Those applying who have been in the military are eligible for increased pay as are those who are able to communicate in Spanish. Before being

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Anti-trust behavior of Microsoft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anti-trust behavior of Microsoft - Essay Example Further, there were no technical barriers to enter into the market as the product was not developed by using some unique skills or material which were not available to other suppliers in the market.   (Chan, The Seattle Times)There are however, certain other conditions to be met if one can completely characterize a firm as a pure monopoly. One of the key characteristics of monopoly market structure is the high barriers to entry either through technological sophistication or through other legal barriers. Further, seller must have the ability to discriminate on price by either reducing the quantity or price in order to sell more. It was the overall quality and ease with which a general consumer can use Microsoft’s operating system which made it the number one choice for the consumers. The price as well as the graphical user interface of the operating system actually made it simpler for the end users to operate the system.Monopolies could be good because they are quick to achie ve the economies of scale and avail lower average variable cost. Low cost therefore could result into the low prices therefore monopolies could be helpful in allowing consumers to enjoy lower prices. For example, Google’s search engine services are offered free of cost despite the fact that Google also has achieved the virtual status of a monopoly in the search engine market. Though Google is a monopoly however, its services are offered free of cost to every user therefore this type of monopoly can be good.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Software Development Methodologies Analysis Information Technology Essay

Software Development Methodologies Analysis Information Technology Essay The report will be divided into sections, which describe the different stages of the project life cycle and provide information about the project scope, purpose and defines project objectives. Furthermore this report investigates the different software development methodologies and examines which one would be the best to use for the purpose of the final year project. Moreover the Summary and Critical Review of the project is provided with conclusions on, possible, future changes and improvements to the project. Finally the reports Appendix section includes all relevant diagrams, testing and coding and other information related to the project. Acknowledgments I would like to thank both of my project supervisors; Jon Bennett and Matthew Wake for their help and encouragement throughout this project. Furthermore I would like to thank Karren Burrows for her help on improving my database design and Mary Spence for guidance in the complicated world of VBA. In addition I would like to express my gratitude to Kevin Potterton, a friend and co-worker at Investmaster Group ltd. for providing helpful input, recommendations and moral support in difficulties with project management. Finally my boyfriend Andrew Steer for his patience, support and proof reading. Table of content Introduction The main aim of this project was to document and develop an Order Processing Scenario for a car rental company. The system stores customer and car details, car availability, calculates rental costs and fines, prints bills, and highlights unpaid transactions. This information will be available through a user friendly interface; with clear error messages. To accomplish this, knowledge acquired throughout the years at university was used to analyse and solve problems encountered during the project. Furthermore, the information required for the project was gathered and synthesised to provide a practical and high-quality end product that could actually be used in a real world situation. Additionally, research into different software development methodologies was completed and an appropriate development methodology selected. By using techniques and tools covered during the course the requirements for an order processing system were captured, including; different users and views of customers and clerks. What is more, using the research, self-learning and additional Visual Basic tutorials enabled the use of more sophisticated and advanced coding techniques. Finally, the system was tested by users with different levels of IT knowledge and was accepted for covering the relevant HCI criteria. (Appendix14) To develop and implement a fully functioning GUI front end for the above system. Problem definition. Currently, Aleks Car Rental is a small car renting company and all record maintenance within the company is carried out manually, on paper. Customer and reservation details are written down in log books and transactions are not backed up anywhere in case of any data loss and sensitive data is quite easily accessible; making the company susceptible to data theft. This way of working is not particularly effective because the paperwork is frequently lost or misplaced, which leads to the customers being unhappy with the service provided and complaints concerning the standard of data security. The aim of this project is to produce a cheap, automated solution that will enable safe storage of sensitive customer data. It should allow permitted users to check on; the availability of cars, customer accounts and to produce relevant reports. In addition to this, the system should be easy to use with clear instructions and messages as the users (clerks) have only basic IT knowledge. Objectives To select and follow an appropriate development methodology. To capture requirements for an order processing system including different users and views of customers and clerks. Investigate different software options. Design the order processing system. To include a variety of subsystems including the maintenance of customer information, car details, clerk details and the payment of fines. To identify a variety of users for system testing against relevant HCI criteria(Appendix15). Produce a prototype with basic functionality. Conduct an evaluation of the prototype. To develop and implement a fully functioning GUI front end for the above system. Basic Project Requirements 1) Acquire and analyse user requirements. 2) Develop a working system prototype with basic functionality specified by the user. 3) Design and implement a database for the system prototype. Possible Further Enhancements 1) Add administration section to the system. 2) Develop a fully functional order processing system 3) Investigate possible security problems Deliverables 1) Report 2) Working order processing system Project Schedule The duration of each task was controlled through the production of a Gantt chart; an outline of each key task was highlighted therein. This chart can be seen in Appendix B. Nevertheless it is not always possible to stick to the produced schedule, so the second, reviewed Gantt chart was created. This chart can be seen in Appendix B. It shows the actual start and completion tasks dates presented week by week, the tasks that were completed in the different time than expected are presented in blue. Appendix C Project Development Diary and Error: Reference source not found, highlights the problems encountered during the development and times when project was feeling behind the original schedule. The main reason for running behind the schedule was that the planed amount of time to learn VBA language was an optimistic prediction and the task was much more difficult than predicted. Another factor that had a big influence on delaying the project was sudden unavailability ot the project supervisor during to his health issues. This had place in January, and caused significant suspension of the database development as the supervisor was a project client and a main source of help in using VBA code. Furthermore, accommodating for deadlines in other modules, and obligations at work lead to further delays. However by working extensively during the weekends and bank holidays all of the project objectives were fulfilled on time. Project Management Scheduling the project stages had a massive influence on the development of time management skills. Successful time management helps to increase the person productivity and overall efficiency. Setting goals, prioritising them and monitoring its execution help to gain conscious control over the project and its separate stages. Developing these skill can seriously influence the person future ability to manage the projects in the work environment. One of the techniques useful when managing the project is the MoSCoW analysis (see Error: Reference source not found). It divides the tasks into different categories to enable the decision on which of them are the most and the least important. Tasks paced high in the hierarchy are the ones that had to be completed first, when the completion of tasks placed lower in the hierarchy of importance was optional. In cases where completion of the most important tasks was taking longer than expected the less important functions were completed earlier, to ensure that there are as many working functions as possible. Furthermore to ensure that all of the good project management practices are conducted during the final year project development, weekly meetings with Jon Bennett, supervisor, were carried out. During these meetings supervisor pointed out parts of the project that might take longer to complete and highlighted the areas requiring the biggest effort concentration. Unfortunately, because of the supervisors health problems meeting in the last few month of the project development were suspended but they were resumed with the new project supervisor although not with the same frequency. 2.Software Development Methodology Software Development Methodologies Analysis When developing a system it is crucial to choose a methodology that will fulfil all of the project requirements within the allocated timescale. A successful methodology is one that enables the developer to manage, evaluate and control the system throughout its life cycle. There is a wide range of different models, which differ in; the number of iterations of the project lifecycle, the intensity of user involvement in the project and the level of evaluation. Therefore, the decision on which methodology to use for a final year project might be a very difficult one and to succeed, the complete spectrum of requirements has to be taken into account and many techniques and tools have to be considered. Agile vs. Heavyweight Methodology Project development methodologies can be divided into two main types; agile and heavyweight. Both of these methodology types possess aspects useful for the purpose of the final year project but none of them could be fully used as a separate technique. In order to find the methodology that is most suitable for the project it would be recommended to combine some of their individual aspects together. Agile Methodology Using some of the agile methodology features can significantly limit the amount of documentation produced for the purpose of the project and assure that the project will be finished in the given amount of time. Furthermore, the agile approach concentrates on good design, technical excellence and simplicity, which are the main goals whilst working on the final year project. Another argument for using an agile methodology is that it can also be used for the purpose of small, self-organised teams or individuals, helping them to adapt to changing circumstances, which is often the case in projects such as these. Heavyweight Methodology Nevertheless, using some of the aspects of a heavyweight methodology should also be considered when developing an order processing system like Aleks Car Rental. Although heavyweight methods are mainly used by large teams for the purpose of developing large projects, some of the methodology tools and techniques could be also useful when developing student project. Following a heavyweight methodology helps to identify the different stages of the project and what lifecycle would be the best to follow for the purpose of the final year project. RAD (Rapid Application Development) One of the examples of an agile methodology is Rapid Application Development (RAD). Its main advantage is that the working systems are created within a short time period, which is very useful as the time frame for the student final year project is quite restricted. Furthermore, according to the RAD methodology the project needs to be frequently reviewed by the user as new functionalities are added during the development process. This is called iterative prototyping and should be applied to the students final year project development. User participation is very important in this process as it ensures that the developed system satisfies the end users requirements. Another aim of the RAD method is to reuse existing software components. Unfortunately as Aleks Car Rental order processing system needs to be created from scratch this aspect of RAD is not suitable for the purpose of this project. Another feature of RAD is the use of Computer Assisted Software Engineering (CASE) tools and techniques, which could be extremely useful to the developer in the project planning stages and all stages that follow the development of the system. These techniques should also be used in the development of the final year project. RAD questions the use of high-level documentation, like this report, as it is very time consuming, and, instead, concentrates on the low ceremony level such as system testing, training and implementation plans. For a diagram see Appendix D. Extreme programming Another example of the agile methodology is the Extreme Programming Method. Its success depends upon the level of customer satisfaction with the system. For customer satisfaction to be optimal, this method engages the client in constant communication so that user requirements can be catered for during the development lifecycle. This could be easily applied to the final year project as contact with the client (supervisor) should be persistent throughout the whole development process. By delivering the product in modules, over short timeframes, the Extreme Programming method concentrates on short term goals instead of delivering the full product over a much longer period. The complexity is added to the project sequentially, which means that individuals will be working on something new periodically. This would be the perfect path to follow when developing the final year project as short term goals could be delivered to the project supervisor on a weekly basis. What is more, Extreme Programming allows the developer to quickly respond to changes in customer requirements, which would be highly desirable for the unstable requirements of the final year project. Another feature of the Extreme Programming method is that it is mainly used for small to medium sized projects; such as a final year project. System Development Life Cycle Methodology (SDLC) A good example of a heavyweight methodology is the System Development Life Cycle Methodology (SDLC). This methodology is mainly modelled around the Waterfall Life Cycle which breaks the project structure into stages consisting distinct goals. It is good for projects with clearly specified requirements and a large time frame. A key feature of this model is that the process needs to stay free from any overlapping or duplication. To achieve that undertaken goals always have to be accomplished before proceeding from the one phase to the next one. There is very little possibility for the designers to go back and change any of the finished stages as this would dramatically slow down the whole development process. This methodology doesnt seem to be suitable for the purpose of developing the final year project. . For a diagram see Appendix D. Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) Another heavy weight methodology example is Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method. It is the waterfall life cycle method which breaks the project structure into stages and rejects overlapping theses stages. Three major tools used by SSADM are Logical Data Modelling (Entity Relationship Diagram), Data Flow Modelling and Entity Event Modelling. The method combines all three techniques to enable the complete view of the developed system. Furthermore SSADM is structured from 5 complex hierarchies of stages: feasibility study, requirements analysis, requirement specification, logical system specification and physical design. As this methodology is a high ceremony method and it involves extensive planning and wide documentation, its elements should be used in a final year project to document the development process. Nevertheless SSADM doesnt really address the issue of changing requirement specifications and it doesnt allow any iteration after the project phase completion, so following this methodology rigorously might be really time consuming and not appropriate for the purpose of developing the final year project. User Centred Design methodology UCS could be described as a methodology that attempts to optimize the product around the user specifications. The main aim is to create a product that user can, want, or needs to use, rather than creating something that user will have to accommodate their behaviour around. To achieve that client has to be regularly updated with the project progress and consulted regards any changes. According to the methodology specifications there are several ways to gather required information from the users: focus groups, questionnaires, interviews, usability testing, card sorting and participatory design. Furthermore, although USC mainly replicates the waterfall life cycle method it is also focusing on its four key stages: Use Specification, Requirements Specification, Design and Evaluation. The stages are repeated until the projects usability scope is achieved. USC methodology uses many techniques that could be useful in the development of the final year project like use cases, scenarios and persona (customer for the purpose of Aleks car rental). Methodology used for this Project Time spent on the planning, documentation development and testing is often dependent on the chosen methodology and can increase or decrease accordingly to the used method. That is why, to meet the project objectives successfully the common practice is to combine different aspects of the different methodology types in the way they will suit the purpose of the students final year project. As the user (project supervisor) was consulted about the project requirements and progress on many occasions during the project development, it would indicate that aspects of Extreme Programming, UCD and RAD methodologies were used to full the project requirements. Also, using use cases, project scenario (Aleks car rental) and persona (client) taken from the UCD method made project goals easier to understand and fulfill. Furthermore, to design the order of the different stages in the project the waterfall life cycle technique was used, but as many iterations to the project throughout the different stages were made, and object oriented techniques and tools were used, this would indicate the aspects of SSADM and User Centered Design method were used in the final year project. Moreover Diagrams such as the Logical Data Model (Entity Relationship Diagram) and the Data Flow Model taken from SSADM were also used to establish the data flow in the system and what tables should be created in order for system to work as specified by the client. Additionally to confirm that all of the client requirement were covered the testing of the system was undertaken as it have place in RAD and UCD methodologies. To conclude, there is no one appropriate methodology for this project but many aspects of different methodologies combined together enabled to fulfil the requirements set by the project stakeholder. 3. Gathering Requirements 3.1 User Requirements For the purpose of this project the assumption was made that the person called system user will be the project proposer and initial project supervisor, Jon Bennett. To enable gathering of the most accurate requirements, two different data gathering methods were undertaken. Firstly, frequent consultations with the system user enable assembling essential system requirements and allows in depth research into user needs . Secondly investigation into current car hire solutions on the Internet was undertaken and features of the car renting company systems identified and reused if appropriate. 3.2Research Methods Two main research method types can be identified, quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative method is often used when the question is how many or how often. The most commonly used techniques are usually structured questionnaires and surveys. Further to that statistical data is produced and, in order to analyse and interpret the collected data, converted into charts and graphs. This method can be very time consuming and requires gathering large samples of data. As the final year project has a strict time frame and it is an individual task, quantitative method doesnt seem to be the right one to use. Second type of research methods is a text based qualitative method. In order to obtain the most accurate information, methods such as focus groups, interviews, observations, and case studies are used. The main data gathering method is to take a description of a problem from someone experiencing it or by observing the individual user. By using this method more in depth information is provided which will allow better understanding of user needs. The success of this method depends mostly on the researchers skills and should only be used if there are only a few cases to investigate. As the amount of stakeholders in the project is limited to one and it is possible to observe or interview the user, using qualitative method seems to be more suited for this project. 3.3Interviews Interview is a formal meeting and discussion with someone. Gathering information through an interview means evaluating the situation through the conversation with user. There are different kinds of interviews: structured, semi-structured, unstructured, group interviews and focus groups. In order to gather all necessary information about the required system functionalities regular weekly meetings with the user were taking place during a four month period. This is documented in appendix X. During these meetings functional and usability requirements were recognised and different methods on how to fulfil them were discussed. 3.4Functional Requirements Functional requirements indicates what actions should the system be able to do and what functions it should perform. Login Only permitted users should be able to login in to the system. Make Loan- Permitted users should be able to rent a car, and loan information should be stored in the system Add Customer- Permitted users (clerk) should be able to add new customer details. Edit Customer Permitted users (clerk) should be able to update/edit customer details. Find Customer Permitted users (clerk) should be able to find existing customer details. Delete Customer Permitted users (clerk) should be able to delete existing customer details. Add Car Permitted users (clerk) should be able to add new car details. Edit Car Permitted users (clerk) should be able to edit existing car details. Find Car Permitted users (clerk) should be able to find existing car details. Delete Car Permitted users (clerk) should be able to delete existing car details. Register car damages Permitted users (clerk) should be able to add any car damage details. Add Clerk Permitted users (manager) should be able to add new clerk details into the system. Edit Clerk details Permitted users (manager) should be able to edit clerk details in the system. Find Clerk Permitted users (manager) should be able to find clerk details in the system. Delete Clerk Permitted users (manager) should be able to delete clerk details from the system. Produce Reports Permitted users (manager) should be able to produce monthly and yearly income reports. Produce Loan Receipt Permitted users (clerk) should be able to produce client receipt with the loan details. Calculate Payment System should calculate the total payment for the loan. Calculate Fine System should automaticaly calculate fine for late returns. Notifying about overdue loans Permitted users (clerk) should be able to view details of the overdue loans. Close Option Use should be able to close all the forms. Cancel Option User should be able to cancel undertaken activity. Logout Option User should be able to logout from the system. 3.5 Usability Requirements Usability requirements measures how the software is suitable for its users, considering how easy it is to learn, how effective it is, how efficient it is, and user satisfaction. When designing a system there are ten usability principles that should be taken into consideration . Jakob Neilsenal. (2001). These 10 rules are outlined below with relevance to the order processing scenario Aleks car rental. Visibility of system status The user should be informed about any system status changes through the use of appropriate feedback e.g. When information in the system is updated a message box should be displayed informing the user whether this procedure has been successful or not. Appendix 16 Match between system and the real world Language used in the system should be appropriate and easy to understand by the user, egz meaningful error messages. Appendix17 User control and freedom -All possible activities undertaken by the user should be supported by the system (navigation). Consistency and standards To prevent any confusion the system the consistency of the interface should be kept throughout the whole system. It is reassured by using the same colours, fonts and format. Error prevention Any errors should be avoided when possible, where errors do occur, user should be clearly informed what has happened. Recognition rather than recall The interface should be informative enough for the user to understand how to navigate around the system in order to fulfil the undertaken action, egz. placing order. It should be clear to the user what they are required to do without recalling any information. Flexibility and efficiency of use The system should be designed for both experienced and inexperienced. Although the Aleks car rental system is easy and straight forward to use all of the users will be provided with user guide. Aesthetic and minimalist design Using only the basic graphics and presenting only the necessary information prevents user from getting distracted from the system. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors When an error occures, the meaningful information should be displayed to indicate what coused the error and suggest how to resolve the problem. Appendix 17. Help and documentation -A user guide, listing clear steps on how to complete the tasks should be available. Appendix 18 3.6 Requirements gathered from available solutions This section of the report studies existing booking systems, available on-line or sold to car renting companies. See Appendix 18 for screen shots of these solutions. An investigation throuought existing booking systems was carried out in order to identify any reusable features that can be used for Aleks car rental System. Furthermore, undertaken research helped to recognise problems that should to be avoided. These are discussed below: General Usability: Usability is about design focused on helping customers perform tasks, with little effort and making the experience enjoyable. It is important from both the customers perspective as it is the means by which the user interacts; it should not lead to frustration. A well designed website interface is user friendly, simple, efficient, the functionality easy to learn and use in addition to providing effective interaction. Use of Multimedia: A range of high quality multimedia through color, sound, and graphics collaborated creates a powerful impression and generates interest, making the experience enjoyable. This sets a positive expectation for the rest of the website ultimately the customers choice of place to hire a vehicle. Use of multimedia should be kept to a minimal, with lot of white space and contrasting text. The average customers computer specification and bandwidth should be kept in mind thus it affects load up and response time. Search for Information: A customer likes a booking experience that enables them to find, select and pay for the service with ease. The solution to this is efficient navigation and search facilitation. A search function by keyword can help retrieve specific information; reducing frustration. Grouping meaningful data in a structured list should be applied as it minimizes confusion. Further subcategory help narrow down relevant information making it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. Online Order: The website should support secure online payment transactions, customers should be made aware of this, also other methods of payment options should be acceptable as customers are vulnerable to carrying out online payments. Status of reservation: It is important that the customer is updated with the status of the service once the reservation has been completed i.e. confirmation of the booking. 3.7 Safety Requirements There is a wide range of safety requirements to consider when designing a system, but as specifying them is outside the final year project scope only the basic ones will be covered. Backup when additional copies of the data are make. This could be done either by the user or automatically by the system. Backed data should not be stored anywhere within close proximity of the original system in case of a natural disaster such as fire or flood was to take place where the system is located. It is highly recommended that Aleks car rental company use a backup option to secured informations stored in the system. System stability testing to minimise system failure and possible data loss the thorough testing should be always performed on any new system. 3.8 Security Requirements Personal information stored in the system should only be accessible by authorised person. Password to prevent unauthorised individuals from accessing the data, system should always be protected with the password. Encryption protects information by making it unreadable to anyone except authorised person. This is use to protect the password when login in to the Aleks car rental. 4.Software and Hardware solutions 5.Car rental Company System Prototype In order to develop a fully working system student had to design and develop a working prototype of the booking system as a part of the project development lifecycle. See Appendix G for screen shots of the prototype system. Use Case Diagrams To gain an overall view of the system to be developed a diagram was drawn using UML (Unified Modelling Language). UML is used to show the interaction between the reservation system and the several actors/users. See Appendix H for a UML diagram. User Authentication As the system is designed to stored potentially sensitive data the user identification must be in place.<

Monday, January 20, 2020

What Causes Epilepsy? :: Biology Essays Research Papers

What Causes Epilepsy? From GABA to Zinc Epilepsy is "a diverse collection of disorders" (1). In the United States, there are close to one million people with epilepsy-- about 1 in 200 people around the world have epilepsy(3). This is a review of the emerging insights into the mechanisms underlying the most common form of epilepsy, complex partial epilepsy(1). Terminology and Classification of Epileptic Seizures The term seizure refers to a transient alteration of behavior due to abnormal synchronized and repetitive bursts of firing of neurons in the central nervous system. Epilepsy is syndrome of episodic brain dysfunction characterized by recurrent unpredictable spontaneous seizures. Partial seizures begin in a localized brain region, whereas generalized seizures show widespread involvement of both hemispheres. Examples of generalized seizures are absences (petit mal), myoclonic, or tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures. A complex partial seizure is associated with impairment of consciousness while a simple partial seizure is not. Most complex partial seizures originate from the temporal lobe and are also called temporal lobe seizures. Epileptics frequently have more than one type of seizure. When simple partial seizure precedes a complex partial seizure, it is referred to as an aura. More recent classifications of epileptic syndromes incorporate such features as etiology, age of onset, and th e different combinations of seizures that an epileptic has. Other commonly used terms include ictal (of seizure itself) and interictal (between seizures). Convulsion implies ictal behavior with vigorous motor activities. Status epilepticus denotes a very prolonged seizure or series of seizures occurring so frequently that full recovery of brain function does not occur interictally (1). Complex partial seizures constitute a major percentage of epilepsies and as a result of impaired consciousness are rather disabling. They are often medically intractable in that the administration of medication will not control the seizures. Most cases of complex partial epilepsy appear to stem from an abnormality in the temporal lobe, since partial resection of the temporal lobe, including the mesial structures, hippocampus, and amygdala, virtually eliminates seizures in more than 80% of selected patients. Examination of tissues of the surgical specimens and autopsy studies of patients with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy most often reveal sclerosis of the hippocampus, termed Ammons horn sclerosis, which is characterized by a marked loss of the principal neurons of hippocampus (1). Jackson and his Early Theory on Epilepsy and Brain Organization In the 1800s, it was noted by Jackson that epileptic seizures begin in isolated parts of the body such as the thumb and from there spread to neighboring regions perhaps the arm and then to the rest of the body.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Life and Inventions of Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison was born in 1847 on February 11th in Milan, Ohio to middle class parents and died on October 18, 1931, in West Orange, New Jersey. In 1854, his family moved to the vibrant city of Port Huron, Michigan, which ultimately exceeded the commercial excellence of both Milan and Odessa which were the two places Edison had lived. One of the many inventions established by Edison was the tin foil phonograph. When Edison was working on his invention he noticed that the tape of the machine sprang off a noise resembling spoken words when worked at a high speed.The machine had 2 needles in it one was used for recordings and the other for playbacks, the machine plays cylinders rather than disks. At around the age of 12, Edison started to lose his hearing. What caused this to happen was a train conductor smacked him in the ears when he started a fire in a boxcar whilst doing experiments. Edison was an inquisitive child but also a poor student as his mind often wandered. Edison was the y oungest of 7 siblings.One day when Edison was at school his school teacher screamed at him and said that he was rather addled. When his mother found out that someone had discovered him as a scientist his mother was very furious and pulled him out of school and she hmoe schooled him instead. * THOMAS EDISON'S INVENTIONS. 2013. THOMAS EDISON'S INVENTIONS. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. thomasedison. com/Inventions. htm. [Accessed 17 March 2013]. * Thomas Edison Biography – Facts, Birthday, Life Story – Biography. com . 2013.Thomas Edison Biography – Facts, Birthday, Life Story – Biography. com . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. biography. com/people/thomas-edison-9284349. [Accessed 17 March 2013]. * Thomas Edison – The Inventions of Thomas Edison. 2013. Thomas Edison – The Inventions of Thomas Edison. [ONLINE] Available at: http://inventors. about. com/library/inventors/bledison. htm. [Accessed 18 March 2013]. * Edison Biography. 2013. E dison Biography. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. thomasedison. com/biography. html. [Accessed 21 March 2013].

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Japanese Characters And Chinese Setting - 1680 Words

On 1 September 1923, the day that the Great Kanto earthquake struck the regions of Tokyo and Yokohama, Junichiro Tanizaki was staying in at Hakone, a hot springs resort west of Tokyo. Years later he would admit that, almost before he thought to feel concern for those dear to him, a perverse surge of excitement arose in him: Tokyo, too long held in the shadows of its Edo past would be reborn, â€Å"Tokyo will be better for this!†¦I imagined the grandeur of the new metropolis, and all the changes that would come in customs and manners as well.† Now had come the great blow to usher in modernity, a magnificent city parallel to those found in the West would Tokyo become. Such a vision was understandably attractive to a young Tanizaki, whose†¦show more content†¦Unlike much of his earlier writing which deals with the ‘allure of the West’ in unquestioning terms, ‘Naomi’, whilst continuing to locate exotic space in the West, does so from a criti cal perspective. This is no more evident than in the confessional tone of the novel’s opening paragraphs: â€Å"†¦As Japan grows increasingly cosmopolitan, Japanese and foreigners are eagerly mingling with one another; all sorts of new doctrines and philosophies are being introduced; and both men and women are adopting [emphasis mine] up-to-date western fashions. No doubt, the times being what they are, the sort of marital relationship that we ve had, unheard of until now, will begin to turn up on all sides.† Kawai Joji, the first-person narrator of ‘Naomi’ begins his tale in this fashion, offering the reader a relevant historical framework in which to place the story of his life. However, the central motifs of the tale soon take form in the early relationship of Joji and the object of his affection, Naomi, a â€Å"budding† hostess at a cafe. The protagonist declares unabashedly that what first drew him to his young wife was neither her appearance nor character, but her distinctly western-sounding name, a â€Å"sophisticated name† when romanised. Once he learns of her Western name, the girl takes on the appearance of a Westerner in his mind, her image is likened throughout the text to the motion-picture actress Mary Pickford. Naomi becomes a fleshly â€Å"signifier† of the West and thus he mustShow MoreRelatedMan’yÃ… shÃ… « vs. KokinshÃ… « and Their Significance1103 Words   |  5 PagesThe Man’yÃ… shÃ… « and the KokinshÃ… « are perhaps among the most revered and earliest collections of Japanese poetry. The Man’yÃ… shÃ… «, meaning â€Å"Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves (or Generations),† is believed to be compiled by the poet Ã…Å'tomo no Yakamochi sometime after AD 759 during the Nara Period. 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